My Design Learning Journal

Friday, April 20, 2007

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-8:02 PM-


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Assignment 7

For this last and final assignment, we have to design and prepare a story book for children. And the whole execution was a tedious and problematic one. We devoted all our time we had on this. And I practically neglected all the other modules just to complete the story book. But we managed to persevere and pull it through till the end.

Thanks to the others in the whole production for making this story book possible. Especially to Kayvern… without his drawings, the book wouldn’t be achievable…

Timmy and the Blue Beanie

We encountered many problems throughout the whole development, from writing to printing to cutting to binding. Many things didn’t turn out the way we anticipated. We wanted the book to be in a certain way but we only realized that it wasn’t going to be feasible at the printing shop. Nevertheless, we made do with whatever we can and try to make the best out of it.

Here's our storyboard...

and design document...

[Thanks to Joseph for uploading all these]

Even though, this project gave us load of problem, but in the process of it, I learnt many things. I actually learn the proper way we should plan our book in regards to the pages organization. Kayvern gave me some colouring tips before I proceeded with the colouring. In addition, we should always keep in mind the problems we might meet during printing, so that we will be more prepared, and probably have alternatives and act as accordingly to overcome the problems. It’s always the unexpected that makes everything go wrong. With the limited time we have, it is essential that we have to be doubly cautious, so as to ensure that everything flows smoothly. Despite all the difficulties we faced, we managed to overcome all the obstacles as a group. Therefore, I felt a sense of achievement when everything was completed and was ready for submission. All in all, it was an interesting and enriching project.

-3:48 AM-



Fransca Wee


Institution: NUS
Faculty: Arts & Social Science
Major: Communications & New Media





  • February 2007
  • March 2007
  • April 2007


    Design Solistice
    Picture galligalli
    Shapes Photoshop