My Design Learning Journal

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Assignment Two [Modified]

Theme: Needful Things- Making images talk

Well, I basically redrew everything for this assignment. The one I presented in class was hand drawn on my sketch book. Although Ms Siti commented that my hand drawings were good, but I felt that there was a need to produce a better quality work. So after the presentation, I decided to execute this assignment on Illustrator so that the stages will look more consistent and neater. At the same time, I did many changes to the extraction process. There are 6 stages in the new version while there are only 5 stages in the earlier one. And the extraction process in the later version seems more gradual as each stage goes. It links from stages to stages. Whereas in the first version, the stages are quite unorganized.

Extraction process (Version 1):

Extraction Process (Version 2):

I've choose stage 4 to represent a bee...

p/s: click on images to have to larger view

-9:46 AM-


Thursday, February 08, 2007

Assignment Two

Theme: Needful Things- Making images talk

I have chosen to create an indexic representation of a bee. I had to distill the image of the bee through the five levels of abstraction.

Stage 0

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

At this point in the abstraction process, the bee looses its specific identity. It communicates its generic meaning of a bee.

Stage 4

Stage 5

This is what I've presented in class. I'lll take the suggestions given and do the drawings again.

-7:05 AM-


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Assignment One [MODIFIED]

Theme: Me, Myself and I

I ended up redoing the whole of Assignment One. This time I redrew using Illustrator instead of Photoshop. Previously, I relied heavily on my writing tablet to draw because I really couldn’t figure out how to use Illustrator. [Thanks to Kayvern, I managed to grasp the basic techniques within a short while.] Anyway, yes back to the Assignment, the first attempt was kind of messy, the lines ain't straight, and was kind of obvious that it was ‘hand drawn’ using the tablet.

I Love Glamour (Old):

I Love Glamour (New):

I really didn't like the alphabet "f" in my former attempt. So during the second attempt, I really tried hard to change the alphabet F.

Sketches of F:

In the end, I settled with a simpler alphabet F as compared to my first attempt to balance the focus throughout my name. And i also took Ms Siti's comments into consideration, improved on the the first A, S and C.

I Hate Spiders (Old):

I Hate Spider (New):

In my initial attempt, my name was hardly readable. It took everyone quite a while to figure out where’s ‘FRANSCA’. So in the following attempt, sticking with my initial concept, I was all out to make sure my name would appear more obvious. In fact, some suggested to use the concept of the words ‘Spiders’ in my earlier attempt on my name =( but it was kind of disappointing when I heard that, because I really squeezed out all the juices in my brain and came up with my name ‘Entangled in Web’ concept. And I pretty much do like the idea of it.

So ‘stubbornly’, I continued to work on my idea. Anyway, these are what Kayvern suggested.

I drew a few sketches to try what seems to work best.

After formulating a few new ideas, I started my work on illustrator...
And after drawing this...

I begin to improvise and improvise...
till I was happy and satisfied with my final masterpiece.

-7:38 AM-


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Assignment One

Theme: Me, Myself and I

For this assignment, before i started on my draft, i listed a couple things that i like...

From the list above, I have selected 'Glamour'. This is simply because I have always been captivated by pretty things, stuffs that are very flamboyant and eye-catching. After deciding upon Glamour, i started to brainstorm ideas and things that depicts glamour.

With this mind map, I was able to have a rough idea of how my concept would look like. I began by sketching several thumbnails of my name associating with the conceptualization of glamour.


Sketch 2:

Sketch 3:

Sketch 4:

I presented these four sketches in class, and everyone felt that the first one was the best among the three. The reason being, it looks more consistent as compared to the other two.

After I was done with 'Glamour', I came up with my hate list...

I picked 'spiders' from the list above as my concept and went on to develop different illustrations.

Sketch 1:

Sketch 2:

Sketch 3:

Among the three sketches as shown above, the class prefers the first idea. But still I felt that it wasn't creative and unique enough. So I continued to attempt more sketches. In the end, I managed to draw one that I really like.

Sketch 4:

I felt that it could depict my hatred for spiders as my name seems entangled within the web. As a result, it gives me a feeling of being trapped within the spider web.

I develop two selected sketches, one from each theme, into prototype using Photoshop and Freehand.
  1. My name is FRANSCA and I love GLAMOUR.
  2. My Name is FRANSCA and I hate SPIDERS.
Prototype 1:

Prototype 2:

This is all I have done for Assignment One so far. I will continue to improve on both the designs and produce a final prototype

-7:00 AM-



Fransca Wee


Institution: NUS
Faculty: Arts & Social Science
Major: Communications & New Media





  • February 2007
  • March 2007
  • April 2007


    Design Solistice
    Picture galligalli
    Shapes Photoshop